Oh yeah! I started a blog!
It's been a little over a week since I last wrote, ADHD strikes again! I kept meaning to update everyone who is actually reading so, here is the update! (Pic of dogs just because!)
I went for my first therapy session last week, but it was mostly a meet and greet assessment type thing. We went over my history, breakdown stuff and diagnosis and how I've been feeling about stuff. She seems like a pretty nice lady and I did leave feeling fairly good finally being able to just spill out everything that's been on my mind. We are meeting every two weeks, so my next session is on the 16th of April. She told me to make some goals and bring them to my next session (OOH I DID THAT ALREADY, AM I ACTUALLY AHEAD OF MY HOMEWORK FOR ONCE?) so I will keep you posted on how that goes.
I just went up on my Vyvanse dose recently, from 20 to 30 and still haven't really noticed much change. I keep hoping for this sudden clarity and ability to focus on things and have motivation, but so far nothing has happened. I'm told that a higher dose might do the trick, or perhaps a change in meds but i'm just kinda hanging in there right now. The only thing I have noticed is that I have been sleeping better, and do seem to have more energy during the day - I don't feel like I HAVE to nap now, and stay up from morning to night without issues.
Things with my mood have been overall much better. It seems the anti-depressants have leveled out and I am no longer a total robot and have mostly returned to my normal personality, which is really good. My husband has noticed the change too, and I think we are both happier now that I am not basically a Vulcan walking around on auto-pilot.
Other than that, I've just mostly been trying to figure things out I guess. My new friends online in the #neurodiversesquad and #adhd crew have been so wonderful helping me feel accepted and understood. Anything I post whether it be just thoughts or questions has had a windfall of replies of support and awesomeness. If any of you are reading - I appreciate you so much!
Other than that, there are probably a dozen things that I want to write about, but i'm feeling particularly disjointed and unfocused right now and having problems pushing this post through to the end so i'm going to cop out and try to collect some thoughts for another post later in the week.
Talk soon!
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