Humblebrag Post

This is the face of PROGRESS!

I think i've made some progress in the past couple weeks and I am excited to share it with you all!

Last week, I had a chance to talk with my mom. After writing the mock-letter to her, I had a much better understanding of what I actually wanted from her and how best to get the message across. While it was a difficult conversation, it went really well. It was great to hear from her that with some new information about what ADHD is, she is very easily able to recognize the behaviours that she once thought were just childish bullshit. It was also really nice to hear that she is quite proud of me for getting to where I am, turning into the person that I am while struggling internally for so long.
She also asked me to help her understand better, so I sent her some links to some great youtube videos, articles and other things that I found helpful.

Since starting my Vyvanse, I noticed a massive increase in obsessive skin picking that was turning my face into a disaster. While I am still picking a little, I have been more able to stop myself and have found ways to help me cool it. Since it's primarily when I'm at home sitting around, I have started to simply wear sleeves, or put some sort of cream (polysporin) on my scabs. It decreases the "dry, scaly" sensation that drives me crazy and getting my fingers all slimy isn't fun so I find it much easier to leave it alone. Baby steps.

The Documentary:
Progress has been moving along on the documentary. My partner and I have been working hard getting our pitch documents in order and will be doing some shooting for the pitch video/trailer ASAP. We are hoping to get it done in time to submit for Storyhive, but if we miss the deadline then we will at least have some solid stuff to submit ready to go for some other avenues of funding. We have also lined up some great interview candidates - very excited!

Over the last two weeks, I have noticed a massive increase in my effectiveness at work. I have started and finished a few pretty big undertakings and am actively staying seated at my computer for longer periods and working on my tasks with much more ease. I do think that I still need to increase my dosage of Vyvanse, but so far it seems to be going in the right direction.

Overall, I think that I am doing pretty good. Re-learning most all of my behaviours as an adult can really feel "old dog new tricks" hard, but I am trying to catch myself when i do things and stop and say "hey shauna, this is your ADHD. Do the thing, don't let it run you" and I have been a bit better with every day things. I have left the house a couple times for social outings, remembered and been on time for a few appointments and even started to tidy my office up.
Every day is another baby step towards a better me, and I cannot be more excited for what the future brings!

Talk soon,

